July 10, 2014
Vancouver, BC – MRM Proteomics Inc. (MRMP), a leader in the development and provision of advanced proteomics technologies for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostics industries, today appointed Dr. Gary Kruppa as President & Chief Executive Officer.
“I am delighted to be at the helm of this innovative organization,” says Dr. Kruppa. “The potential market for research and diagnostic applications of MRMP’s customizable protein targets is enormous.” Dr. Kruppa was previously Vice President, Business Development for Bruker Daltronics Inc.
MRMP, a spinoff from the University of Victoria, was incorporated in July 2010 to commercialize cutting-edge proteomics technologies developed at the UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre (the Centre). The Centre is supported by a collaborative relationship between Genome BC and the University of Victoria and is the longest operating proteomics core facility in Canada, having been in operation since 1982.
As a result of ongoing use, investment and challenges presented by Genome BC and Genome Canada funded projects, the Centre has developed innovative, patented technology and know-how that was spun out into MRMP. Using targeted quantitative proteomics – specifically the use of Multiple Reaction Monitoring-Mass Spectrometry (MRM-MS) – MRMP has become a leader in the proteomics field in key areas of services, products and custom solutions and is now primed to take some serious steps forward. Another of the company’s strengths lies in its ability to develop and license patented iMALDI technology which is highly suitable for use in clinical applications.
In addition to the appointment of Dr. Kruppa, the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of MRMP and the Director of the UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre, Dr. Christoph Borchers, has been jointly appointed as the Proteomics Chair for the Jewish General Hospital at McGill. The collaboration will lead to the development of clinical proteomics applications and the first pan-Canadian proteomics program.
“The opportunity to work with two institutions of such high calibre is a tremendous honour,” says Dr. Christoph Borchers, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology at the University of Victoria. “I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”
Dr. Alan Winter, President & CEO of Genome BC, agrees. “There is some incredibly strong talent leading MRMP,” says Dr. Winter. “The commercial potential for this company is significant and Genome BC is proud to have played a role in its development.”
“MRMP and UVic have produced some cutting-edge technology for disease diagnostics,” says Brent Sternig, Director, UVic’s Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization. “Now, by combining the clinical capabilities of McGill, the expertise of Genome BC and the leadership of Dr. Kruppa we have a partnership that’s going to accomplish something very special.”
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