Classroom Workshops

Our workshops are aligned with the BC Curriculum so they fit right into your lesson plans. We come to you with all the supplies, completely free of charge. There are many topics to choose from, each providing students with an opportunity to explore a life science concept in a new and interesting way.

Classroom Workshops

Through role play, students step into the shoes of decision makers to solve complex issues where science, government, society and the environment intersect.

REQUEST WORKSHOP icon Grade 9, 10, 11, 12, icon 60-120 mins
Classroom Workshops

Step into the role of a genomic epidemiologist and solve this simulated viral outbreak case.

REQUEST WORKSHOP icon Grade 10, 11, 12, icon 45-60 mins
Classroom Workshops

See how different kinds of mutation can impact organism physiology with this LEGO tinkering activity.

REQUEST WORKSHOP icon Grade 10, 11, 12, icon
Classroom Workshops

Work as a team to diagnose these real-world case studies of patients living with rare genetic diseases.

REQUEST WORKSHOP icon Grade 10, 11, 12, icon 60–120 mins
Classroom Workshops

Combine your analytical skills with forensic biology techniques to solve a crime and defeat the evil-doer in this fast-paced group investigation.

REQUEST WORKSHOP icon Grade 10, 11, icon 60-120 mins
Classroom Workshops

Learn how traits are inherited from one generation to the next with this interactive introduction to heredity and Punnett Squares.

REQUEST WORKSHOP icon Grade 9, 10, icon 30-60 mins