Precision health is changing the standard of care

Advancements in technology are making genomics more affordable and accessible than ever before. Likewise, societal attitudes toward genomics in clinical care are shifting. We are no longer asking ‘if’ genomics should be integrated with clinical care. Instead we are asking ‘when’ and ‘how’ we can use genomics to benefit as many people as possible.

Genomics is already saving lives and improving health outcomes and disease management for patients touched by cancer, heart disease, autism, epilepsy, rare diseases and other debilitating diseases. As genomics research moves from the bench to the bedside, clinical applications of genomics will affect many areas of medicine, improving disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as informing our approaches to wellness, nutrition, and public health.

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

 Children should have a future, not cancer. But, just before her first birthday, Rory was fighting for her future. Born with a teratoma, a type of tumour in the […]...

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

Understanding hereditary cancer is the difference between life and death for Chiquita Hessels. In 2011, just ten months after her mother’s death from breast cancer, and one month...

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

In 2002, a Technology Development platform funded by Genome BC and Genome Canada was created in BC to provide engineering support to the local life sciences research community alon...

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

Taylor Date’s recovery from a childhood brain tumour is a story of heroic parenting. When Taylor Date was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a malignant cancer tumour in the bra...

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

A quick test would help physicians triage patients so the right people get the right treatment at the right time...

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

Every year, approximately 10,000 women in Canada have an amniocentesis — a prenatal procedure in which a sample of amniotic fluid is drawn by needle and tested for chromosomal ab...

sector_ico_Health_trans Human Health

The transformation of this disease from death sentence to manageable condition is one of the best- personalized medicine stories ever seen and one of the world’s best examples of...