This year, Genome BC’s Annual Genomics Forum theme is “Living Innovations: BC’s Path to Biological Engineering.” As we bring together thought leaders and innovators from the life sciences community, business, industry and policymakers, we aim to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue, with discussions dedicated to harnessing the power of genomics to advance health care, the sustainability of our […]
Join Genome BC on May 3, 2023, this year’s Annual Genomics Forum as we discuss the power and hurdles of integrating genomics into patient management and how we can ensure maximum value is derived from samples and patient data.
While British Columbia is set to develop an efficient, competitive and sustainable economy, this will require the implementation of transformative and innovative technologies — including genomics. It will also require socio-economic approaches to achieve sustainable agriculture and fisheries, food safety, sustainable use of renewable biological resources for industrial processes, environmental protection, preservation of biodiversity, and […]
Genomics has played an important role in the battle against COVID-19. Scientists around the world have brought forward a herculean effort to manage the outbreak and bring an end to the pandemic. Early sequencing of the virus and data sharing has led to improved surveillance, tracking transmission of the virus and its variants, in real-time. New […]
In light of current public health challenges, Genome BC has made the decision to cancel our 2020 Genomics Forum, scheduled for April 30th. However, the subject of artificial intelligence and genomics remains very important to us and we intend to hold a Genomics Forum on this topic as soon as it makes sense to do […]