April 25, 2014
The Student Biotechnology Network and Genome BC are pleased to invite BC’s scientific community to our annual Research Exchange & Poster Competition. Students from BC’s academic institutions will have an opportunity to present their research to our province’s scientific community. Cash prizes will be given for the top three posters. Students will have the opportunity to talk with researchers from academia and industry, as well as meet company representatives. Please join us for this great opportunity to showcase your research!
Participants in the Poster Competition will also be registered for the Genomics Forum.
Date: Friday May 9th 2014
Time: 8:30am-4:00pm
Location: UBC Pharmaceutical Sciences Building Main Foyer, 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6T 1Z3
- Abstracts must be submitted online using the Abstract Submission Form. This can be done via www.genomebc.ca or www.thesbn.ca
- Authors should be listed on the online registration form in the order they will appear on the poster
- 300 word limit
- The project should include at least some application or reference to genomics techniques or concepts
Registration for this event is FREE.
Poster Abstracts can be submitted online via the form below or via SBN.
Deadline for submission: May 2nd
Post-doctoral, graduate, undergraduate, as well as project and platform technology research posters from across BC are invited.
Prizes: 1st-$500, 2nd-$300, 3rd-$200
- Maximum number of posters TBA.
- All topics in life science, medicine, and biotechnology are eligible for the competition, including pharmaceutical science, social science and humanities approaches to innovation in life sciences. Research posters are encouraged to include a genomics approach, which may be understood broadly to include genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics.
- Students should be prepared to present for 5-10 minutes (includes Q&A) about their poster to the judges
- Each poster presentation will be assessed by at least two judges
- The top three poster presenters may be asked to give a short 2 minute description of their projects at the Genome BC Genomics Forum
- Breakfast, lunch, and coffee will be provided by Genome BC
The poster will be judged on content (e.g. approach to the problem, data, and conclusions) and presentation (e.g. organization, formatting).
Suggested Poster Size (NOT mandatory):
36” by 48” in landscape orientation
Suggested Font Sizes (NOT mandatory):
Main Title: 100pts
Section Headings: 50pts
Body: 25 pts
Suggested Sections (NOT mandatory):
Email info [at] theSBN.ca with the subject line “Poster Competition” with any questions.