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Data and Technology

The University of Victoria – Genome BC Proteomics Centre

  • Project Leaders: Christoph Borchers
  • Institutions: University of Victoria (UVic)
  • Budget: $2340042
  • Program/Competition: Science and Technology Platforms
  • Genome Centre(s): Genome Canada
  • Status: Closed

Funding enabled the facility to acquire new and high-end equipment such as Mass Spectrometry to make this the best equipped proteomics facility in Canada and one of the best-equipped in the world and established the first Canadian Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry Platform. A major collaboration on metabolomics led to the establishment of The Metabolomics Innovation Centre with collaborators at U of Alberta, and funding from Genome BC and Genome Canada. The Proteomics Centre has supported over 50 collaborative projects leading to more than 50 joint papers, some in high-impact journals and trained many highly qualified personnel. An example of a successful Tech Dev program for the transition of proteomics into clinical application is the implementation of the iMALDI-based in-source decay sequencing of intact proteins as a replacement for the analysis of peptide fragments. These PCC studies are very well advanced and only require the establishment of a method for disruption of protein disulphides in femtomole quantities of sample and the engineering of a number of microfluidic devises for electroelution and MALDI plate application. This technology would replace the radio-immuno assay (RIA). This has been carried out in collaboration with Dr. Andre Marziali of the Physics Dept. at UBC and engineers at the University of Victoria (see Technology Development, below).