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Long-term impacts of biosolids on soil microbial communities during mine tailings reclamation

  • Project Leaders: Jonathan Van Hamme, Jaimie Dickson, Roz Kempe, Tania Gheseger
  • Institutions: Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
  • Budget: $191322
  • Program/Competition: User Partnership Program
  • Genome Centre(s): Genome British Columbia
  • Fiscal Year: 2016
  • Status: Closed

Although biosolids have been used in BC mine reclamation for over 20 years, recent concerns have called into question their application. In 2015, the BC Ministry of Environment mandated a Scientific Review of biosolids use in the Nicola Valley, which will inform changes to biosolids regulations in BC. The report was published in March 2016. Long-term data is extremely important to address key information gaps identified by the review. As such, the existing research plots of Teck Resources at the Highland Valley Copper (HVC) site are of critical importance because they are the only long term biosolids mine reclamation plots in BC that are still in-place, accessible and include controls.

The overall objective of this collaborative research project between Thompson Rivers University, Metro Vancouver and HVC was to quantify long-term biosolids effects on plant and microbial communities, soil health and metal loading by re-sampling from the undisturbed HVC experimental plots established in 1998. A comprehensive microbial community analysis using a Next Generation Sequencing approach was used to monitor microbial gene expression related to metal toxicity and transformations. The data collected for the “Plant & Soil Analysis” activity showed that biosolids can provide a long-term benefit as an organic amendment to tailings, while proper applications rates can mitigate risks of causing metal exceedances. However, the “Public Attitude and Risk Perceptions” activity indicated differing risk perceptions around the management of biosolids depending on the location (community) where the information was collected. Outcomes from this study will inform future scientific reviews of biosolids and have the potential to make a direct impact on use practices of biosolids in BC.