This Genome Canada Innovation Centre (IC) is embedded within the BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre. The IC is directed by Drs. Marco Marra, Steven Jones and Robert Holt, all of whom have international reputations in genomics and bioinformatics research, and who have been directing IC operations since the inception of Genome Canada.
This leading international Centre for genomics and bioinformatics research supports scientists in BC and around the world in addressing critical questions in the life sciences, with a focus on human cancers. As one of the largest capacity genomics centres of its type in Canada, the Centre specializes in high-throughput, large-scale genome research activities including cancer genetics, bioinformatics, DNA sequencing (the process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule), data analysis, gene expression profiling, and technology development. The Centre also provides training in bioinformatics for health researchers.
Throughout this funding period, the sequencing and bioinformatics platforms at the BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre have remained leaders in genomics research, providing Canadian and international investigators with access to cutting edge sequencing technologies and bioinformatic analyses. While most of the work focused on cancer research, both GSC researchers and the sequencing and bioinformatics platform contributed broadly to scientific advancements, including genomics research in the fields of bioenergy, forestry, agriculture, and zoology.
The Innovation Centre’s continued success has been based on a number of technology development initiatives that have increased efficiency and data quality, while maintaining and often reducing costs for platform services.