This national partnership with CIHR aims to support leading edge research on the role of DNA and environment interactions in human health and disease. Epigenetics is a field that investigates the heritable changes in genome function that occur without a corresponding change in DNA sequence. In contrast to the genome, which remains mostly the same throughout an individual’s life, the epigenome (i.e. modifications to the genome) changes during development and aging, in response to various external stimuli and as diseases emerge. This project aims to generate a better understanding of the origins of health and also the etiology, treatment and prevention of many of the chronic diseases currently affecting the Canadian population.
This platform has resulted in significant data, biospecimens, and a set of complete, high quality reference epigenomes. This will generate new insights into the role of the environment on human health and disease and lay the foundation for new diagnostic tests, novel medical treatments, and health policy to benefit Canadians.