August 11, 2016
Professor Carl Douglas passed away tragically on Monday, July 25, 2016 in a climbing accident. Professor Douglas was a plant molecular biologist, whose research in tree biology was renowned. An early adopter of genomics, Professor Douglas was part of the first Genome Canada-funded research project in forestry in 2002, Treenomix- Mechanisms of Wood Formation and Pest Resistance in Forest Trees Using Spruce, Poplar and Arabidopsis. He also collaborated with Professor Shawn Mansfield on two projects studying genomic properties of poplar trees for renewable bioenergy: Optimized Populus feedstocks and novel enzyme systems for a British Columbia bioenergy sector and POPCAN- Genetic improvement of poplar trees as a Canadian bioenergy feedstock.
A quiet, unassuming and highly regarded scientist, Professor Douglas was a remarkable person and his loss will be felt in the genomics community, and beyond, for many years to come.