April 25, 2012
Students from Whistler to Pitt Meadows to White Rock will be able to dust off their best CSI techniques when ‘Genome BC Geneskool’ spends ten days at Capilano College in North Vancouver from April 16th – April 26th. These fun and interactive science workshops, which are presented in partnership with Let’s Talk Science, allow students to delve into hands-on activities and try out practical scientific applications such as mock crime scene investigation using genomic techniques to analyze and compare suspect DNA.
The Genome BC Geneskool program has been involved in classrooms throughout BC, with a special emphasis on outlying communities, since 2004. “Students are really enthusiastic about the workshop, because it makes science fun and relevant to their lives,” says Sally Greenwood, Vice President, Communications and Education at Genome BC. “We make sure to explain the scientific activities and how they can be applied in real life situations, and explore the potential applications and impact of genomic technologies on Canadian society.”
Greenwood notes that teachers also like the program because it ties in to the high school biology curriculum and meets their Ministry of Education teaching objectives. “Our aim is that after attending ‘Genome BC Geneskool,’ students will continue to appreciate the value of science and math in today’s knowledge-based economy. We are hopeful that students not only develop greater understanding of genetic sciences, but realize the wealth of opportunity that exists in scientific disciplines.”
The free workshop sends scientist-presenters from the Let’s Talk Science program throughout the province, bringing molecular biology to regions where there are fewer opportunities for students to interact with advanced lab technology. The workshops are generally held at local post‐secondary campuses or similar locations that offer space, available equipment, and support.
“The impact and applications of genome sciences in this century will be profound and far-reaching and we believe it is important that as a society we understand it,” says Dr. Alan Winter, President & CEO of Genome BC. “Engaging students in innovative education programs such as ‘Genome BC Geneskool’ helps them understand the significance of the science in a way that is accessible and exciting.”
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About Let’s Talk Science:
Let’s Talk Science (LTS) is a national organization present at all major Canadian universities and colleges. The mandate of the UBC LTS program is to improve science, technology, engineering, and math literacy through innovative and engaging outreach efforts.
Through community events, partnership programs that pair Vancouver educators with graduate student volunteers, and outreach programs for students in the inner city as well as aboriginal youth, UBC LTS touches more than 15,000 youths from kindergarten to grade 12 each year across BC and the Yukon.
For more information:
Media interested in visiting ‘Genome BC Geneskool’ in action or obtaining photos of local students participating in the program, please contact Jenny Boon at 778-327-8374.
For more information about Genome BC Education initiatives visit www.genomebc.ca or email gened@genomebc.ca.
For more information about Let’s Talk Science, visit http://ubclts.com or email lts@ubclts.com.