March 23, 2015
Imagine if there was a significant increase in accurately diagnosing and treating disease for all British Columbians. The benefits of using genetic information to create a personalized approach to health care are vast. While continued research and advancement in a wide range of chronic disease and health issues is necessary, over the next five years, Genome British Columbia (Genome BC) has developed A Strategy for Genomics in the Health Sector in British Columbia to guide prioritization and advancement of genomics for health in the province.
Developed with input from leaders in genomic and health research, as well as the broader health community, Genome BC’s vision by 2020 is to bring genomics into widespread clinical use in selected disease areas. These key areas include cancer, rare disease, infectious disease and pharmacogenomics.
“Genomics is going to transform healthcare over the next twenty years. This strategy recommends what should be done to advance its clinical applications in this province in the near term,” says Dr. Brad Popovich, Chief Scientific Officer, Genome BC. “To understand the best opportunities, we matched the most progressed genomic research with key areas of disease burden. The result is a strategy that prioritizes four key areas of focus.”
To provide a snapshot into the key areas of focus, Genome BC is hosting a free evening discussion Tuesday March 24, “Your DNA: A blueprint for better health”. Topics and speakers are:
Personalized Medicine: what’s the prescription for BC in the next 5 years?
Brad Popovich PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Genome BC
Cancer: unlocking a genetically driven disease
Joseph M Connors MD FRCPC, Medical Oncologist, BC Cancer Agency Clinical Director, BC Cancer Agency Centre for Lymphoid Cancer
Rare Disease: from diagnostic odyssey to tailored care
Clara van Karnebeek MD PhD FCCMG, Pediatrician and Biochemical Geneticist at BC Children’s Hospital
Hepatitis C: 25 years from discovery to cure
Mel Krajden MD, Medical Head, Hepatitis and Associate Medical Director, Public Health Microbiology and Reference Laboratory, BC Centre for Disease Control
This free public talk begins at 5:30pm on Wednesday, March 24th at the Vancouver Hyatt Regency Hotel, Plaza Room. For more information and to register for this free event please visit: