Meet Geneskool Volunteer Kevin An!
What are you studying at university?
I am currently in my 5th year studying Pharmacology at UBC.
When did you first become interested in science?
I became interested in science early on when I was in high school! I found my science and mathematics courses to be much more engaging than the other courses I was required to take.
What motivates you to volunteer?
I’m motivated to volunteer because I love working with younger students and fostering an early passion for science.
What was the most fun/inspiring/exciting moment so far as a Geneskool Volunteer?
I really enjoy sitting in on various keynote speaker talks! Every speaker brings their own unique experiences and I learn something interesting about a new field every time I sit in on one of their talks.
What advice would you give to a young aspiring scientist?
Keep your eyes out for unique opportunities like Geneskool! Getting early experience working in a lab will be very beneficial later on.
You can learn more about the Geneskool program by clicking here.