March 31, 2020
Fruits, vegetables, legumes and plant-based proteins are all an important part of a balanced diet. They provide our bodies with essential nutrients that are important for our health, as well as dietary fiber and a host of other benefits.
A team of researchers from the Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital were interested in the role of isoflavones (an antioxidant similar in structure to estrogen) from soy-based products on human health, specifically related to coronary heart disease. Some previous studies have linked these nutrients with improved heart health, while others have not.
The study looked at data collected from over 210,000 participants in three long term studies. From this data they determined that compared to those who ate tofu less than once a month, people who ate it once a month had a 12% lower chance of developing hearth disease, and those who ate it weekly had an 18% lower risk. While the researchers stress this is just one study that will require replication before any firm conclusions can be drawn, it does suggest that isoflavones are beneficial particularly for young women and postmenopausal women in reducing the risk of developing heart disease.
Source: News Medical
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