April 12, 2021
The IPAC Vancouver Group and Genome BC would like to invite you to join in the conversation about Science-informed Policy: COVID-19 and Beyond. Please join us for an informative discussion and dialogue followed by a question-and-answer period. This is an online workshop.
Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm PT
Since 2020, the latest findings surrounding COVID-19 have been shaping public policy and associated public communication with unprecedented speed. Scientific evidence has been informing decision-making in real time across multiple policy domains. This crisis has required coordination and collaboration among different sectors, such as governments, funders, researchers, healthcare agencies and policymakers. Where did existing systems help and where did they fall short? What lessons can we draw on for future evidence-informed policy and action? Can these lessons be translated into science-informed decisions within a range of programs and policies, such as climate change?
Christian Hansen – Regional Executive Director, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Nancy Olewiler – Director and Professor, School of Public Policy, Simon Fraser University
Nel Wieman, Acting Deputy Chief Medical Officer, First Nations Health Authority and President of the Indigenous Physicians Association in Canada
David Patrick, Director of Research, BC Centre for Disease Control, and Professor, UBC School of Population and Public Health
George Poulakidas – Genomics and Society Advisor, Genome BC