April 14, 2019
The fourth annual #BCTECHSummit attracted over 3,500 full delegates. The event, which has become Western Canada’s largest annual innovation conference, brought together more than 1,200 organizations from around the world.
Several of Genome BC’s team members attended the event and, notably, our Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa, participated on a panel about precision health. The Precision Health Technologies Leading to Longer and Better Livessession talked about the need to use every person’s barcode, i.e. their genome, to ensure we provide their best and most precise health care, leading o better outcomes. In the past, medical treatments were designed with the average person in mind, but we now know that our genome, lifestyle, family history and geography all affect our health and well-being. Advancements in the availability of patient data, combined with access to new breakthrough medical technologies, is powering a healthcare shift where diagnoses and treatments are tailored to individual needs.
This powerful panel did an excellent job of digging into the issue around the new paradigm called precision health.