March 26, 2020
Vancouver, Canada — Genome BC is today launching a rapid response funding program to invest in promising research and innovation projects with the real potential to address urgent challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The initiative is using a specifically designed process for reviewing applications and providing funds for approved projects within days. This rapid response will enable researchers and innovators to launch projects quickly and deliver solutions to challenges posed by COVID-19.
“We are leveraging Genome BC’s ability to respond quickly to emerging issues and invest in the cutting-edge science and innovation that can make a real difference in our fight against COVID-19.” said Pascal Spothelfer, President and CEO of Genome BC. “This funding is primarily focused on delivering short-term impacts, but is also intended to complement longer term, larger funding opportunities.”
Genome BC is inviting researchers, scientists and innovators in academia, private industry, the public sector and not-for-profit organizations to apply. Accepted proposals for projects that are ready to launch with strong potential for delivering significant impacts can receive up to $250,000 each with the possibility of follow-on funding.
While Genome BC prioritizes funding for BC-based researchers, applicants from outside BC are also eligible for this initiative provided they are endorsed by another regional Genome Centre.
“The initiative is optimized for speed while maintaining high review standards and balanced decision making,” said Spothelfer. “By investing in ideas to deliver short-term impacts, we increase our chances to overcome challenges of this pandemic more quickly.”
Click here for more details on this initiative and the application process.
Jennifer Boon
Communications Manager, Sectors
Genome British Columbia