June 24, 2020
Sign up for our first ever online Educator Retreat
Genome BC Geneskool is offering our first ever Educator Retreat this summer from July 27- July 30 for a few hours per day of online content.
We have an exciting lineup of guest speakers, workshops, engaging discussions and more! This retreat will take place online and include self-guided learning, audiovisual presentations and discussion-based workshops.
This retreat is:
- For grade 9 to 12 Educators from BC
- To learn more about genomics and how it intersects with society
- To gain lesson plans for their class that can be used both online and in person
In this retreat we will be covering topics such as (but not limited to!):
- Inheritance and Identity
- Molecular Biology and Gene Editing
- Beyond Biology: Intersection of Genes and Society
With the help of Geneskool facilitators and BC researchers, educators will:
- Reflect on personal perceptions of genetics and genomics
- Engage in meaningful discussion and dialogue over how best to advance genomic literacy with grade 9-12 students
- Explore how to use Geneskool content as a scaffold to approach Big Ideas in the curriculum and to help students find relevance between their own lives and genomic sciences
- Gain material and practical resources for use in unit and lesson plans for online and in person instruction
A more detailed schedule will come in the next few weeks. In the meantime, sign up for the event and to receive automatic email updates.
If you have any questions, please contact Connie at cleung@genomebc.ca